Sunday, 31 July 2016

Does Adrian like Marinette? Season 1

I have been doing a little investigation that Adrien could be interested in Marinette, and my results were positive.

In 'Horrificator' they are filming a movie and Chloe steals the parts so she can kiss Adrien, but he leans back

But when he has to kiss Marinette he just stayed still

He got embarrassed when they hands touch the same controller 

He tries to impress her as Cat Noir

And, asks her to be his Ladybug

AND, kisses her hand

Adrien smiled at Marinette when Nino asked Adrien if he wanted to go to the movies, and Aliya asked if herself and Marinette could tag along.

He winked at Marinette when she showed everyone her poster
                                    look at Chloe's face

and, he likes her drawings, and hoped she'd win the contest so he could wear his hat

AND, was happy when she won and touch her hand

When he was describing Ladybug to give her a valentines card, he was literally describing Marinette

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Who is Hockmoth?

WARNING: If you do not wish to be told a spoiler, do not keep reading!!

Ok so most of you reading this would be like me and say, "dah, of cause I know that". But some people have no idea what is going on. 
So, Hockmoth. Most of us have found out who he actually is from the ,Origin episodes. 
He is... Gabriel Agreste. 

How do we now this? Well first of all, they sound the same. But in 'Volpina' (episode 24) with the book of superheroes, it has Hockmoth in it as a hero, and the picture of the Adrian Agreste's mum with the blue miraculous leaning against frame of the picture.

Then in the 'Origins' part 1(episode 25) Hockmoth has the picture of the mum in a pocket on his hand, and that is when he puts his miraculous on(the purple brooch).

Also in the 'Simon Says episode, Simon Says wants to get Gabriel Agreste and Hockmoth said something along the lines of 'Risky but still might work', because he couldn't be Gabriel Agreste and Hockmoth at the same time.

He also has the same wring as Gabriel Agreste

I  know that all the miraculous use their power for good. But my theory is maybe Gabriel Agreste's wife was a superhero too, that is why she had the miraculous leaning against her picture and she got accidentally killed in a fight or something, so Hockmoth is using his power in a bad way so he can steal Ladybug and Cat Noir miraculous and have absalute power.